Lesson 1 Posted on eSnips

It took me longer to post it than I would have liked, but our Internet was down at work, so, you know...

You can find my notes from lesson one here.

I was going to post the audio from the lesson as well, but someone shut the microphone off after I tested it so I recorded 50 minutes of dead air. Sorry. Next time around I'll have audio to post somewhere on the internet. I'll let you know where when the time comes.

shalom, matt


thebaysingerboy said...

oh that stinks about the audio... i was wanting to hear it again... :( i was gonna put it on my ipod and listen to it as i cut the grass... i guess i will have to go with Rob Bell...

matt said...

i'm going to take some time next week and re-record it in my office. it won't be the same, but it'll be better than nothing.