Kingdom Series

I'm going to be making attempts at posting stuff that is Kingdom related on this blog more than I do, given that title of the blog and its subsequent web address. In an effort to do that I'm going to post to my eSnips site my lesson outlines from each Wednesday. You can look for them on Thursday mornings. I'll post them as quickly as possible. The reasons for this are two fold: 1) For those who don't go to my church but read this blog, it'll give you an idea of what we're talking about and where some of the blog subject matter comes from, hopefully putting you on more of an even footing, get us speaking the same language; 2) For those who have to endure my teaching, it'll be a chance to sit down with what I speak to you and actually think through it more deeply. It's hard to listen to someone speak and take it all in. Hopefully this will allow you the chance to catch some things that you wouldn't normally catch. Anyway, the link to the eSnips sight is in the links section (go figure, eh?).

shalom, matt