Getting Old(er)

My son started kindergarten. He started school, real school, like, you're-trapped-for-the-next-17-years school. I now have to tell people what school my kid attends, not what pre-school, day-care, or babysitter he goes to. The calls from the PTA are coming. I can feel them hunting me, as a werewolf hunts that fresh kill. They'll want me to be one of them (shudders). 

I went to get my haircut at Great Clips. I looked in the mirror whilst being snipped and shorn. the baggy-eyed, unshaven visage that stared back at me looked more like something that belonged in a, well, in a PTA meeting or a concentration camp (sorry for the redundancy). I have grey hair, too. 

Every morning when I wake up my body is a little more sore and stiff than the day before. I worry about my cholesterol, how little I exercise, lamenting my inability to discipline myself to remedy the problem. I have a gut.

It is somewhat disquieting to get older, Not necessarily troubling, nor pushing me to the brink of a midlife crisis 10 years to soon, but disquieting to realize that you really are a grown-up. You realize that you are a heartbeat away from wearing plaid shorts with black socks and white shoes, moving to Florida and eating lunch at 10 AM.

Okay, so it isn't that bad, and I'm not torn up about growing older. Although a midlife crisis might be fun. Maybe I'll get a Harley...

shalom, matt

Why Jesus Came, part 4

The “Glutton” and “Drunkard”

The Son of Man came eating and drinking. __Matthew 11:19__

I love the fact that Jesus was belittled by “religious” people, lied about, and had ugly rumors spread about him, namely, that he was a raging drunk and notorious over-indulgent eater. I love this fact because it means he liked to have a good time hanging out with “the wrong people.” Take note: you don’t get accused of being a drunk unless you put back a little (or more than a little, perhaps) wine now and then (sorry, all you fundies out there: Jesus was a drinker). And you don’t get accused of being a giant over-eating fatty unless you are a fan of the feast. Jesus desired to be where people were--the “wrong” people, who, incidentally, happen to be the “right” people in Jesus’ view. He was ill-concerned with the opinions and stances of the religious community. Why aren’t more of us being accused of being a drunk and a glutton? Why aren’t more of us getting in trouble with the religious “authorities” for hanging out with the “wrong” people, in the “wrong” places? If Jesus came to eat and drink with tax collectors, sinners, whores, liars, and the outcast of Israel, then why aren’t we, His Body, doing the same thing?

At the end of this passage Jesus says, “Wisdom is proved right by here actions.” I’ve never noticed that part of the passage. Jesus seems to be outright saying, “Look, the wisest thing I can do is hang out with these people, eating their food and drinking their wine. My wisdom is proved by what I’m doing with them.” 

May we be this wise. May our actions prove Jesus’ wisdom. May we be “gluttons” and “drunkards” for the sake of the kingdom. 

Jesus came to eat and drink with the last and the least.

shalom, matt


My kid started kindergarten today. I have some thoughts on this later on. Here are some pics.

Contemplating this foul, new fate we have foisted upon him.

This is his "I'm-stoked-about-this" face.

He found a buddy from day-care. Life is good again. School doesn't suck now.

Rockin' the Mario shirt and the Ironman backpack. (Is that kid getting ready to punch him?)

Rockin' the dashing good looks given to him by his father.

"And here is where I hide my weed stash and my hip flask..."

8.8.98 to 8.8.08

I've officially been married to my first wife for 10 years now. See how happy she is to be married to me? Can't you feel the love? 

God, I can't tell you how much I love this woman. She makes me a better man (although this picture begs to differ). 

Here's to 10 more years. I promise to make these ten better than the first ten, Beth.

shalom, matt

Matt's Unofficial and Decidedly Lame Concert Review

There are few bands on this planet that I would drop $50 to go see: Sigur Ros for sure. Possibly U2. I'd have to scroll through iTunes to see if there are anymore. Radiohead definitely is one of those bands. And if I'm going to drop $50+ (thanks for all the added fees Ticketmaster, p.s., you suck!) then my face had better be melted off by truckloads of throat-punching awesomeness. 

Gentle reader, rest assured, Radiohead does not disappoint. My brother jokingly referred to them as the best British band since The Beatles. Radiohead curb-stomps The Beatles, and virtually every other band, British or otherwise. At times melodic, at times dissonant, and sometimes both at the same time; occasionally brooding but simultaneously leaving you with a sense that "everything is in it's right place," Radiohead simply defies classification and comparison. Someone--a non-Radiohead fan (also known as a musical retard)--might ask you, "What do they sound like?" After smacking them around for a few minutes for not owning any albums you would inform them that Radiohead sounds like everything and nothing, and sometimes something else entirely. Radiohead is a paradox. 

The concert was nothing short of amazing, unloading wave-upon-bloody-wave of light, noise and English musical genius, plus plenty of close-ups of Thom Yorke's crazy eye, the lead guitarist/beep-boop-sample guy alternately turning knobs and violently strumming/banging on his guitar to great effect, and the entire band going about its business with a casualness that defies the mind because the music assaulting you is so complex that it just couldn't be that easy.

Stuff I Learned at the Radiohead Concert
1. Verizon Wireless Music Center in Noblesville, IN may be the most poorly laid out and located venue in the history of entertainment venues. Gladiators had less trouble escaping the Roman Coliseum than we did getting out of the parking lot and back to the interstate. 

2. Corporate sponsorship has gotten out of hand and is beyond ridiculous. Do I really need Taco Bell to sponsor the intermission. Do they realize that intermissions are nothing but dead space between bands? Does this really need a sponsor. 

3. $12 for a large can of crappy American beer (read: goat urine). 12 freaking dollars. I wouldn't pay $12 for a good beer, much less one that looks and tastes (I'm guessing) like urinal runoff. $5 for a large pretzel. $2 dollars for a cup of nacho cheese. $2 for 4 oz. of cheese. Absolutely criminal, and yet, people kept downing beer after beer. Amazing. 

4. People smell. The stench of weed smoke, cigarette smoke, beer sweat, bad breath and too many under-washed bodies is nauseating.

5. It takes just under an hour or so to come down off a contact buzz from people smoking weed 5 feet from you. 

6. There are two types of people in this world: those who will let you ahead of them in traffic (thereby obeying the Golden Rule) and those that won't. The former are wonderful people who understand that one more car in front of them won't make much difference; the latter are dill-weeds that can't stand the thought of losing that one space in line, possibly adding 5-6 seconds onto how long it take them to get out of the lot. May the lighting bolts of Zeus fall upon their Subarus

Well, that about does it. Go out and buy all of the Radiohead albums you can get your hands on. Start with In Rainbows (the newest one) or OK Computer (perhaps the best album ever). Thank me later.

shalom, matt