Return of the Mustard Seeds

So. Here is a poorly taken picture of the mustard seeds that were planted at the Sanctuary service entitled "Trees." What started out as this has become what you see above. The seeds have actually bloomed, tiny yellow flowers appearing at the ends of each "stalk." I noticed a couple of days ago, though you can't see them in this picture, that the plants have begun producing pods filled with--you guessed it!--more seeds. I've not done anything but water them and put them in the sun. That's it. Without any assistance from me the seeds have begun producing seeds.

The seeds are producing more seeds, which if harvested and planted would produce...more seeds, etc., etc., etc.

As I said in the first post, do I need to make the obvious lesson connections for you?

shalom, matt


kimberly said...

You're such a creep sometimes.

Dude. I got you something fantastic yesterday.

thebaysingerboy said...

that's pretty awesome...