A New Messiah

Oprah Will Lead Healing After Imus

Does that headline scare the heck out of anyone else? Oprah has become the new messiah (Hebrew word for "Anointed One") of America, and in particular, America's women. She is the foremost "expert" and "authority" on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual (that last one ought to scare you a bit) well-being of American women. All of her humanitarian work aside for the moment, I didn't realize that America was in need of Oprah's healing touch from Don Imus' comments. The guy is a shock jock. What did you expect him to do? Not shock people? I certainly don't agree with his comments, but aren't we blowing their impact a little out of proportion for the sake of T.V. ratings? Are African Americans, or for that matter, any Americans, really that upset about the whole thing that we need to have special (televised, don't forget) town meetings led by America's spiritual guru? Does anyone else smell an attempt at boosting ratings, or is it just me?

shalom, matt


Brad Polley said...

Imus is a moron, but then again so are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (the most outspoken about the whole thing), they're both publicity hounds who smell fresh meat. Oprah's the same way.