A Nominal Post

I'll post something of relevance in the next day or so, but until then I would like to pose this query:

Who is more overrated:

A. Elvis
B. The Beatles



Brad Polley said...

You have to qualify that question. Are we talking early Elvis or fat, greasy, rhinestone Elvis? Are we talking early Beatles with the mop-top haircuts and bubble gum sound, or later LSD and weed influenced Beatles. My answer will change depending on your answers.

mrandall said...

Define "overrated".

thebaysingerboy said...


matt said...

first off, baysinger you don't get an opinion because you like everything. if you disagree i'll refer you to your post of 26 shows that you aren't watching anymore.

second, randall, i would define overrated in this case as greatly over-estimated influence upon the music scene AND general musicianship.

third, brad, go with the best Elvis and the best Beatles you feel are appropriate.

there. now discuss.

mrandall said...

In that case, it's no contest...The Beatles.