Mystery and More Mystery

There is always something more beyond, well, nearly everything. There’s always a deeper level (or levels) sitting patiently below the surface, resting on their haunches, silently breathing in and out, waiting to be released. Behind every sin is a deeper problem. Behind every crisis is a legion of smaller difficulties that are at the real root of what is going on.

It is the mystery beyond the mystery.

Too often it seems like when we try and help people through crises by listening and offering wisdom, as well intentioned as our advice may be, we never quite seem to get at the root of the weed. So while we may certainly deal with our friend’s crisis of the moment and send them merrily on their way, we have only led them down a path toward a new, perhaps more tumultuous and destructive crisis event.

I’ve counseled a number of students from 12-20 years of age and so many of them, if you are listening for the story behind the story, are saying something completely different than the simple words coming out of their mouth. Behind the anger is a deeply rooted bitterness that started 3 years ago with a judgmental comment made by a parent, a friend, a sibling, a teacher. Behind the foul language or hateful words is a powerful, controlling fear of intimacy.

This is why relationships are so important in the context of Christian community, or really, just in life as a whole. Until you know a person’s true story you will have difficulty recognizing the roots of their struggle—and the more difficult it becomes for you to enter into that struggle with them, standing at the foot of the cross, and praying for their freedom.

And freedom is what it’s all about, isn’t it?

shalom, matt


mike-daddy said...

Good article. I don't have anything to say. I used all my energy responding to your brother's article. Your point is well taken. Listening is the key to almost anything.