Spiritual Gifts, or Why God is Better Than Santa

I'm teaching tomorrow at church on spiritual gifts, something we've talked a little about recently as we prepare a new phase in our ministry. I decided that it was time for the junior and senior high students to find out how they are gifted. I took a spiritual gift "test" several years ago and it came out pretty accurate as far as what I know about myself. It is interesting to find out that you seem to have a gift you were not even aware of at the time.

One thing that I realized during my lesson preparation was that the same Spirit, and consequently that same power, that raised Jesus from the dead are available to us. It is He that gifts us to do His work. No matter how many times I hear it or think about it I never cease to be amazed by this simple fact: we are given the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Stop for a couple minutes and just contemplate that fact and its implications. Seriously, stop reading and just sit back and be amazed by it.
Amazing, eh?

I just finished the Chronicles of Narnia this past week. One of the reoccurring themes in each of the stories is Aslan, the Christ-lion, breathing on various characters, particularly when they are lacking some aspect of character that is needed for the moment. Sometimes the characters lack courage, sometimes they need forgiveness. Regardless of what they need they receive it when Aslan breathes on them. In both Greek and Hebrew the word for "spirit"--ruach in Hebrew; pneuma in Greek--is the same word used for breath. In the gospel of John a post-resurrection Jesus breathes on his disciples and tells them, "Receive the Holy Spirit."

God knows how to give good gifts to his children. He gives what we need for the moment, but also for advancement of his kingdom come on earth, in the individual ministries and situations that he places us in.

shalom, matt

Final note: I am placing a link on the sidebar for an online spiritual gift inventory. I haven't done this particular one myself, but I've done a similar one. If you don't like this one you can Google”spiritual gift inventory" and find one.


matt said...

it isn't scientific to perform miracles. we are far to rational and "heady" with our faith. Honestly, you've probably said it best when you said we don't think we are capable of great things.

i think a lot of things have contributed to our loss of belief: materialism; buying into cultural values of bigger, better, more and faster; self-centeredness; pride; lack of faith; lack of belief in the supernatural; sinfulness. these are just to name a few.

it's sad no matter how you slice it. i would love to be able to tap into the power that is available inside of me. i just can't figure out how.