There are times in every man's life where he has to stop and take inventory. What have I accomplished in my life? What goals have I reached? What competitors have I bested? What summits have I scaled? I, being a month shy of 30, have stopped to take stock. I am proud to announce that I can mark a major milestone off of my To-Do List--I have attended a demolition derby.
There are few things more testosterone-filled as a demo derby. Roaring engines, mud, cars smashing the heck out of one another, this is the stuff that makes men manly. The smell of spilled fuel, leaking radiators, exhaust, cigarette smoke, and human body funk hung palpably in the air. It was beautiful. It almost brings a tear to my eye thinking about it. The mullets were out in full force. Suprisingly there were a number of small children there. And when I say small I mean "just-climbed-from-the-womb-two-months-ago" small. I thought it was a little ridiculous to cause permanent hearing loss in your 3 month old, but what do I know.
Welcome to small town Indiana.
shalom, matt
*Not actual photo from derby, but you get the idea, right?
7 years ago
i still say one of the best lines at the derby was when the the mother of the infant with the giant noise canceling headphones on (obviously doing nothing because of the size of the headphones being on an infant)... anyway she was talking to the other lady with her and she says "I took off work for the whole day, cause this is pretty much a family reunion".... priceless...
isn't that brilliant. some people's lives make me sad. but maybe mine makes them sad, too. who know?
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