Many of us don't care how articulate someone is if they don't incarnate the message they preach, if we can't hear their words past the noise of their lives. __Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible Revolution__
The Word become flesh and dwelt among us. __St. John the Apostle, The Gospel According to John__
Ever wonder why people don't want much to do with the church? We tend to write them off as just not wanting anything to do with Jesus: they're too materialistic, self-involved, success-driven, etc. (funny, that sounds like some Christians I know). However, I'm not sure people have such a problem with Jesus. Many people if you ask them about Jesus will tell you something about how great he was, how they admire his teachings, etc. They have a lot of respect for Jesus, and given an understanding of what he desires to give us and receive from us, they might even be willing to follow the Way. Jesus isn't the problem.
People have a problem with the Church. Now, this isn't any specific church, but the church as in the people that call themselves Christians. People don't see much difference in the lives of so-called Christians and their own life. There isn't much difference to write home about, so to speak. The early church was characterized by the fact that people knew there was a difference in the lives of Jesus' early followers. The difference being seen in what they valued, what they did with their possessions and wealth, how they treated the poor and oppressed, how they loved their neighbor and each other and how there were no needy among them. Outward action was the proof of the inward change that they were claiming Christ can and does make in people's lives. There is such a massive disconnect in what we claim and how we live out that claim. We don't, to quote from above, "incarnate the message" that we preach. This is not just an outward morality. This is a definitive change in motivations, value systems, thoughts, words and deeds.
Jesus came as the incarnation, the in-fleshment, of God's message, His Way of living life in harmony with Himself and each other and with all creation. He perfectly incarnated God's Word, God's message, God's Way of living, God's Truth, God's Life, everything about God that He desires us to be. I don't believe John 1:14 was just intended to talk about Jesus. I believe that on a deeper level it is saying that WE are to in-flesh, incarnate, the Word of God, the message of how to live in harmony with God and with all that is.
It matters how we spend our money, how we talk about our neighbors, how we love God and each other. It matters what we place value in, what we give our time and energies to, how we treat the Taco Bell employees, how we act in class, in the hallways, and in our homes. It matters because you and I are trying our dangdest to incarnate the Word of God.
May you and I put on the Word of God as our flesh.
shalom, matt
7 years ago
Wow Matt.
This really resonates in my heart. I have been very discouraged with the church. There needs to be more if we are to compete with the world. Most of us (Christians) I fear, are just trying to get by, to live and find peace, to prosper and feel whole, to........... be different from the world......... somehow better or more at peace. I think the devil is laughing.
i like the word resonate, by the way. it calls to mind a musical note that lingers and fills up empty space.
you said it right when you said most christians are just trying to get by. that seems to be a common practice. the problem is that most churches are preaching (sometimes unknowingly) that this is what you can expect out of life. just get by until you die and then Jesus will make things alright. it's sad, because Jesus intended us to LIVE life, not just survive it.
Wow! So it's not just me who thinks The Church has become a loathsome entity that has driven away it's true purpose. I'm always rather saddened when I really look at what The Church has become.
remember Matt... go to
i don't know about loathsome. it is messed up in a lot of ways. St. Augustine said, "the Church is a whore and she is my mother." we have to remember that she gave birth to us and has nurtured us and continually cares for us. yes, the institutional church has problems and lot of values that are out of whack with the true gospel of Jesus (the kingdom). But, it also has good qualities as well. we, who know there is something wrong must strive to live a better way and change her from the inside out. it is sad, but not hopeless.
thanks for the link.
it does have some good stuff and it does nurture us. Maybe loathsome is a bit strong of a word but it's hard to realize all the issues the church has as I get older. It's rather eye-opening... I want to do something but never know what to do.
i know the feeling. you know God is moving you, but you can't tell how or where. welcome to my life for the last several years.
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