My son and I were at Steak-n-Shake tonight, pounding back a couple shakes (choco for me and strawberry for him, which he promptly spilled on our carpet later in the evening). My son looked at the burger making guy at the grill and exclaimed loud and proud, "Daddy, when I get older I can work back there."
Aim high, son, aim high.
shalom, matt
7 years ago
Your son's statement is quite comical.
He wants to be like his uncle Brad.
i actually informed him that uncle brad used to cook like that.
he seemed unimpressed.
Maybe he'll go really far in life and get the honors GED.
one can only hope. one can only hope.
maybe HE'LL get into Johnson with long as Wing-nut is gone.
thats not so bad... I have a friend who wants to be a frog when she grows up. I'm sure he'll make the best burgers ever :)
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