New Year's Resolutions, or How I Intend to Keep a Few of These

1. Work on my beastliness by working on my upper body strength using my Iron Gym that I paid too much for and could've got a lot cheaper at WalMart.

2. Work on lowering my cholesterol by riding the stationary bike quietly festooning the back wall of my garage at the moment. 

3. Work on my guitar chops at least once a week. Not asking to be Eddie Van Halen or Stevie Ray Vaughan, but would like to be better than C.C. Deville. I downloaded a video podcast of guitar lessons which should come in handy. 

4. Be a slightly more attentive father, which I'm obviously not doing right now since I'm typing this. 

5. Attempt to have some sort of relationship with the Almighty, including, but not limited to, opening my Bible on occasion, praying for a reason other than desperation and guilt, and attempting to live like a Christian as opposed to a heathen who goes to church.

I'm only making five, because we all know that I can't multi-task very well.

shalom, matt