- It was nice to see an election where gay marriage, abortion and religion were not the deciding factors and were barely even mentioned.
- James Dobson and the "religious right" were strangely silent during this election year (thankfully and mercifully).
- I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, or what state you're from, electing the first African-American president is a huge freaking deal. 50 years ago America was still drinking out of seperate water fountains and shooting civil rights leaders. Slightly historic, wouldn't you say?
- Did anyone else notice that the media only seemed to be interviewing African-Americans in regards to Obama during the election coverage? You would think, based on the media coverage, that no one but African-Americans voted for Obama. I found it strange.
- I'm sure the media have more info than we do but it was odd that they were calling states with less than 1% of the votes tabulated. Some of the races even showed the projected winner losing based on the tabulated votes to that point. Made me a little nervouse that we'd have a repeat of the 2000 Florida fiasco.
- So how long will it take for Sarah Palin to drop back into relative obscurity? Wait...what? You mean she already has? Well, that was quick.
- I may dislike McCain but I thought his concession speech was very gracious and heartfelt.
- By the way, McCain supporters in Phoenix, the booing at Obama' name was very, very classy. Just the height of maturity. I've seen Bill Belicheck be more gracious about losing than you were.
- It says a lot about the pulse of the country that Obama won traditionally "red" states, like Indiana. I think people actually see in him a chance for a new direction in Washington. That's encouraging. God knows what's going on there now isn't working.
- I vehemetly dislike Bush as a President but I thought it was kind of him to invite the Obama's to the White House. I get the sense that, while he is a lousy president, George would be fun to drink a beer and shoot skeet with.
- Anyone else notice that Obama mentioned humility? We could use some of that in D.C.
- I've never seen a man, particularly in politics, with as much of a commanding, energizing, uniting presence as Obama.
- Obama's election began instantaneously repairing our standing in eyes of the world. Don't believe me? Check out some internatinale newspapers online and tell me they aren't glad to be rid of the Bush Administration's destructive "we're right/you're wrong" philosophy. One headline from a former ally: Welcome Back, Friend.
- May the next four years (eight, hopefully) erase the devastation of the last eight.
shalom, matt
So, I'm leaving this novel of a comment anonymous 1) because I don't want you eating my head off and 2) because I can't for the life of me remember my user name or password.
Anyway, here it goes: 1) Speak for yourself...here at my school, gay marriage abortion and religion are all people ever talked about and all they cared about.
2) I am glad that I was able to see history be made although I am a huge McCain fan and would have liked to see his side of history be made.
3) Now, about Palin... It makes me sad that you openly dislike her so much. :( She was actually the main reason I followed McCain so closely.
4) McCain's concession speech brought me to tears. Not only because I had to watch as a man that I seriously respected looked so defeated but also because I knew I had lost. Aside from my religion, this was the first thing I supported hole heartedly and followed closely. It made me sad to see that I failed at 'picking a side'
5) While I strongly supported McCain in this election, I think I would have much rather have seen Bush stay on for another term....or two. I may only be a high-school student, but at least I respect my leaders. (which I will do for Obama until he gives me grave reasons not to which I don't think Bush has done)
6) I don't mean any of this in a hostel manner at all. I am just fed up with the disrespectful morons I go to school with who say that I should just keep my mouth shut because I have no idea what I am talking about. Who ever says I go to a 'smart school' should have been here for the past 3 months of this election and then you will find out why I say 'disrespectful morons'. And sometimes I just need to rant and your blog seemed like a fun place to do that. I thank you for your time. :) Have a wonderful day. Peace and love
wow... ummm how do you follow up an angry tirade like that? republican high schoolers crack me up...
but seriously... i don't think we've heard the last of palin...
Uh...I missed something. What is there to actually like about Palin? She doesn't have the knowledge to run an IHOP, let alone the country. The questions about Palin have nothing to do with her character, but the fact that she didn't know that Africa was a continent (she thought it was a country). That, by the way, was reported yesterday by Fox News. She may be nice (although it's being reported that that may not be true either), but that doesn't mean she should be anywhere in the vicinity of the White House.
Eight years ago, the country voted in a guy who they wanted to have a barbecue with, and where did that get us? Two unwinnable wars and a global economic crisis. The American people responded by voting in someone who might (I repeat, might) have some answers to these problems. Hannah, I admire your zeal, but your assessment was way off.
You know Brad, you and your buddies need to learn a little respect. To say Hannah was off on her assessment is totally off base. She feels deeply about her convictions and you and your buddies have no right to discount how she feels. You talk have Obama's quite tempermant and all you do is rip on Bush, rip on Palin. While you may be right nobody made you guys always right. Practice what you preach. If you want to vote for Obama and his Democrat buddies so be it, but quit ripping on those that do believe as you do. Honestly, I couldn't care less who got elected, because none of them are going to fix any of it.
ummm...father, i'm not sure brad was disrespecting anyone. he was offering his opinion like hannah offered hers. we don't claim to be right anymore than you claim to be right. i recall several conversations we had where you tried to convince me that Obama was a bad choice. having read all the comments, i don't see anyone ripping on anyone. the whole point of leaving a comment is to express your opinion about what someone has written. that's all.
hannah, i admire your courage to speak up about stuff. although i disagree with about everything you said ideologically i appreciate you speaking up. maybe you and i can duke it out when i come visit. :)
i will say this: things look a lot different at 32 then they did at 17. and i'm sure they look different for my dad at 50-whatever-he-is then they did at 32.
it'll be the same way with you.
:( sorry I caused all arguing here. It actually sounds like some of the facebook notes the kids at my school post and comment on. I guess no matter how old you are, you never grow out of 'fighting for your cause at any cost'. I'm sorry if my first comment sounded harsh and all that, I was just fed up with all the morons here that tell me I'm a horrible person for believing what I do. Again, sorry to be the cause of that little arguing thing. Oh and Matt, I would love to duke it out with you. :)
Hey dad, way to jump to conclusions. I don't recall ripping on anyone. I even re-read my comments. I shared my opinion, I was unaware that that was a problem. Hannah, sorry if you took it that I thought you were stupid. That certainly wasn't my intention. I just felt the need to respond.
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