The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us...
How many times have you heard a message on why Jesus came to earth? How many of those messages said that Jesus came to die for our sins? I think I’m approaching around 10 million times hearing that message in some form. Not that I’m not okay with that message, mind you, it does seem to be the crux of the whole thing. But here’s the thing: that doesn’t seem to be the only reason that Jesus came. And I’m not sure, heretic that I am, that it was the main reason that He came (though I could be wrong, and probably am). I kind of randomly and not very scientifically dug around on Biblegateway (the lazy man’s Bible) in search of how many different occasions Jesus tells someone why he came to earth. What I would like to do with this is spend some time just sharing my thoughts on Jesus’ own words about his coming into the world.
My initial impressions stem from what can only be described as a kaleidoscopic collection of reasons for the Incarnation from the mouth of the Incarnated One himself. In our human tendency to pigeon hole Jesus and narrow him down to a few trite statements and quirky platitudes we seem to have underestimated (or maybe I’ve just underestimated) the vast scope and breadth of his mission. It seems like he didn’t just come to die. No, it was much bigger than dying. It was about living. Of course, in the paradox that is the Kingdom, there is no life without a death, no resurrection without a crucifixion. It is his death that makes life possible.
What I’m hoping to discover here is a wider understanding of Jesus’ mission. And, in discovering Jesus’ mission we find our own. Consequently (here comes a smack-your-head-and-say-”Duh!” moment), if we have a wider understanding of Jesus’ mission then our mission should grow wider as well.
So, look for forthcoming posts on why Jesus "moved into the neighborhood."
shalom, matt
hey now... don't knock biblegateway...
in luke chapter 11 or 12 or something close to there, jesus tells his disciples to go preach the gospel long before he ever dies. so durrr the whole jesus thing isn't about death. it's about the kiiiiingdom.
you get to see my face monday. are you excited yet?
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