If I were to start a church what would it look like?
Its primary reason for existing would not be to perpetuate its own existence.
It would be a force of good in the community.
A building would only be as necessary and debt would not be incurred to build it.
Its main focus would not be on programming for the masses.
It would be a messy community of people who are screwed up but leaning on grace.
It would be a place where everyone is cared for by others in the community of faith.
No paid staff; or at the most a minimally compensated staff.
It would not be the “new” thing in town. Church-hoppers are not welcome. only those seeking life, grace and Jesus.
Its goal is not size but depth.
It will preach love of God and humanity and how that gets lived out.
Sunday mornings will not be the main focus. Every day of the week is the focus.
Sunday mornings will be for two purposes: 1) to celebrate last week; 2) and prepare for next week.
Every gift is welcomed and will find a use in the community of believers.
It would be a place of rest.
It would be a place of work.
It would hold those two things in tension, seeking a rhythm, a synthesis of the two.
Its tithes and offerings will be for the good of the community, not simply sunk into supporting the building.
Its people will be living Eucharists, broken and poured out for others. Communion will celebrate this.
It would have no official membership, if you show up then you are part of it.
It will celebrate the sacraments: marriage, communion, baptism and the like.
It will recognize and learn from the ancient Church.
It will adhere to the Apostle’s Creed as the basis of theology.
Women would have equal place in leadership.
It would teach and practice the spiritual disciplines.
It would forget its own identity in Christ, instead of aping someone else’s.
It would be a place that sought life in the Spirit as opposed moralism.
It would be a place that someone would want to be.
It would welcome doubt and skepticism, seeing them as faith taking shape.
It would interact with and redeem culture, listening for the voice of God there.
How about you? What would you add to this list?
shalom, matt
holy kisses
secret handshakes
but seriously...
a late service preferably after 11am
homemade communion
a place to create (art, music, solutions for real world issues)
as info... it's not looking like i am relocating to evansville when we get hitched... we will probably move to ye ole bloomington...
umm we need to hang out soon... preferably sometime after i get done being sick...
How about the crazy idea that women would be considered equal, not as subservients who are only good to teach small children and cook meals for the church?
Good thoughts, you may want to reread your section on tithes and offerings. I don't think you said what you wanted to say.
What is holding you back from doing it?
an excellent question that i don't have an answer to. timing maybe. the question of "where do you even begin?" who knows? maybe i'm just trying to sort some stuff out in my own life, give myself a break from ministry (I've only been out of "professional" ministry for less than a year), and wait and see what God might be up to in my life.
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