Dangerous Theologies: Theology of Masked Politics

Theology of Masked Politics

This “theology” has become more and more prevalent as politics increasingly polarizes not only America, but the church as well. Hot-button issues, mainly homosexuality/gay marriage and abortion, become topics in sermons and there is an unwritten, but nonetheless obvious expectation, that you will vote Republican because Republicans are against those two things. Because of the polarization and the desperate attempt by many churches to insure their agendas get elected into office, many churches theologies have unintentionally (intentionally?) swerved toward pushing conservative agendas instead of the Way of Christ. As part of our desire for control we tell people what to think, and by extension, vote for, never stopping to consider whether this conservative agenda has any basis in Christ’s teachings or at all mirrors the Way of Jesus. What unfortunately happens is that churches push the one or two hot-button issues and never mention the many other issues that actually have root in Scripture. Further, a number of positions that are held as “conservative” using Biblical grounds as a defense are immediately contradicted by the person’s view of another similar subject. Here are a few examples:

Abortion and the Death Penalty: one of the biggies. Ironically, it is never talked about in Scripture. Many people who claim “right to life” for unborn babies are more than prepared to fry/gas/inject other human beings, repaying evil for evil. You cannot on the one hand hold a position of the sanctity of human life and dignity and on the other hand deny that life and dignity to another human being (regardless of whatever crime they’ve committed). 

War: Few issues in recent years have polarized families and churches like this one. Without going into detail as to my own opinions on the subject I’ll refer you back to my above statements about the sanctity of human life. Human life is human life, regardless of where it lives or what ideologies it touts. 

Homosexuality/Gay Marriage: At the risk of opening up a can of worms here I’ll simply say this: For this being such a huge issue in the church, Jesus is surprisingly silent on the subject. Interesting, don’t you think? Maybe there are more important things to worry about. Jesus had much to say about gossip, unforgiveness, and neglect of the poor, yet most churches brush these far more damaging and dangerous sins under the rug, or, at best, verbally slap people on the wrist. But when it comes to gays they are adamant, vocal, and willing to declare war on homosexuality, never realizing that by declaring war on homosexuality they have, in the world’s eyes, declared war on homosexuals. 

Again, all of these political positions are subtly masked in sermons and lessons, comments and discussions. Rarely, though occasionally, these positions are “unmasked” and just outright said to the masses. Far more often they are hidden in the midst of authentic Biblical teaching, giving them viability and legitimacy through association with that teaching. “I know that A (authentic, true teaching) is true, therefore (masked political position) must also be true.” Don’t fall for it.

Don’t buy into any theology that is a cover for conservative or liberal political agendas. It is crucial that you study the scriptures yourself, and find a trusted brother or sister who can help guide you to a better understanding, and perhaps even a more pure understanding, of Jesus’ way of life.

shalom, matt