The smell of rain right at the beginning of the shower.
Freshly mowed grass, followed by a good rain storm.
The smell of Weed-n-Feed sitting in bags in my garage.
Watching a storm approach.
Taking a shower for no apparent reason other than it seemed like a good idea.
Waking up to my son grinning at me from 6 inches away.
That first drink of Gatorade after you come inside from mowing the lawn in 90 degree heat.
That first blast of air conditioning after coming inside from mowing the lawn in 90 degree heat.
That first morning stretch, where every muscle unkinks itself after being curled up fetal for 8 hours.
The moment of relaxation after you hop into bed, adjust the pillow, pull the covers up and stop moving.
Cadbury eggs.
Minor league baseball games on $1 hot dog night.
Laughing until you feel like your guts are going to fall out.
The first listen to a new c.d.
Figuring out something about God that you didn't know before.
Realizing that you've only scratched the surface of knowing anything about God.
Realizing that even though you know something about God you suddenly understand him less...and you are okay with that.
Finally getting to go pee after having waited so long that you feel like your eyes are swimming.
Another chance.
Another, another chance.
Infinite chances (see also, grace)
The Way of Jesus.
My son being funny even when he doesn't realize he is being funny.
My wife.
My wife when she is really tired and so goofy that I'm sure she's been abducted and replaced with a look-a-like.
Pizza Rolls.
Krispy Kreme, hot off the line.
Conversations that go forever and cover so many topics that you can't even remember where you started.
That deep conversation that you've been wanting to have with someone, and it just sort of happens.
What would you add to this list?
shalom, matt
7 years ago
putting on a new pair of socks.
new car smell.
paying off a car five years later even though the new car smell has been replaced by a smell of urine.
your wife asking, "where's daddy?" to your 10 month old and he looks right at you and smiles.
a big poop.
I think you stole my idea! see my May FIRST post at If you want my list
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