I've been thinking about my son, not an unusual occurrence, but I've been thinking about him and his relationship to the college students. He loves them. My son is very outgoing, extroverted I suppose, and he will talk to anyone with a pulse that shows him attention. He's very much like his mother in that regard. The amazing and beautiful thing is to watch how they interact with him. They love him. And not in an I-have-to-love-him-because-he's-the-PK way either. They genuinely love him. How astounding is that? College kids loving a 4-year-old that they aren't related to, playing with him when he asks (cars, puzzles, books...you name it), laughing at his "jokes" (Beefstew!), and being part of his growth as a Christian. They have become an intricate part of his life in a way I couldn't have even begun to anticipate. That puts a new spin on my job, and on these mission trips, as well. You see, their growth as disciples, as followers of the Way, ultimately has implications for HIS growth as a disciple. I've never thought about it in those terms before. How they act and think and relate to each other is being carefully scrutinized by the almost-four-year-old residing in my home. He is learning. Whether he realizes it or not, he is learning how to treat others, how to love and encourage. These are the most formative years for him and so he is a giant vacuum cleaner, sucking in everything he sees and hears, and these things are forming who he will be for the rest of his life.
That's why it's so important for them to take seriously the call of Christ, to take seriously this mission trip: little eyes are watching and learning.
shalom, matt
7 years ago
I pretty much love that kid.
And his jokes really are funny.
"Elijah, what do you want for Christmas?"
"A big butt."
That is funny.
while you were gone he told me that I was his best friend... it practically broke my heart...
that's sweet. and not to burst your little happy bubble, but he tells his toys they are his best friends too.
he really does love you guys though. he loves when you come over.
i figured i wasn't the only one, haha, but it was quite sweet...
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