Read this article before reading any further.
600,000. I don't care what your politics are, who you voted for, would've voted for, or will vote for: that figure (or any of the other figures given, all of them in the tens of thousands or more) should sadden you and make you stand up and take notice that something about our pre-emptive strike policy isn't right. We claim to have "set the Iraqis free," yet we have neglected to notice, or worse, have turned a blind eye to, the human toil that so-called "freedom" has cost the people of Iraq. Do we realize that they are not the enemy? To illustrate how badly we miss the significance of this figure take note of the argument in the article. The discussion didn't center so much around the cost the Iraqi people have paid, but instead centered around whether this was a political move to swing votes in the election coming up Nov. 7. Way to miss the point by focusing on your stupid political agenda.
Look, I'm not pushing any agendas or political parties here. I'm about the kingdom of God, nothing more. But, until America stops living in a self-important, self-centered bubble of isolationism, realizes that they are not superior to the world, and that non-Americans are human beings made in the image of God, nothing will ever change and we will continue obliterating lives and calling it a political ploy to win votes.
My question is this: what should the church's response be to such a thing as this?
shalom, matt
7 years ago
that's sickening.
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