On this day, in the presence of those who stand beside me and in the presence of God Almighty, I pledge myself to the kingdom of Jesus Christ. I attest to the truth that this world is not as it should be. I believe in a better way; a way spoken of by Christ; a way lived out in the miracle of the Incarnation. I believe that by living in this way I partner with the Creator of the universe in restoring a broken earth, in mending broken hearts, and in reclaiming all things to beauty and holiness. I believe that this brings into fullness an abundant life of joy and wholeness and a completeness in my being.
For this reason I pledge to take on the life of a revolutionary; to live differently than the masses; to love passionately and without restraint; to live for those I love, rather than for myself; to put aside my own comforts and desires and to serve those around me.
Through Christ and the power of His Spirit at work in me I pledge to bind my life to this way, and in so doing, reincarnate in my own flesh and bone the life of the Word-Made-Flesh-Among-Us—Jesus who is called the Christ.
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